How to Avoid India Delhi Belly When You Want to Eat Everything in India

How to Avoid India Delhi Belly When You Want to Eat Everything in India

Cures for Delhi Belly

Although I did not get sick I did ask Wilson from The Spice Circuitfor his best advice on what to do if you get sick with India Delhi belly. Aside from the Pepto-Bismol and other medication Indians are in tune with how to naturally remedy an upset stomach.

Ask for lemon water with soda, the carbonation will help your stomach.

Reduce dairy, especially milk.

Stick to mild foods like rice with curd or lentil dal. Eat with bread or plain rice.

Stick to fruits to rehydrate (wash them with distilled water)

Listen to locals about what will make you feel better. Spices not only add flavour but also have medicinal properties so if someone offers you a broth or a carbonated lemon drink, take it.

If it gets really bad, you can get Cipro over the counter in India. Although there are excellent doctors in India so start there.


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